Pomiar gradientu pionowego siły ciężkości dla celów poszukiwań płytko leżących struktur geologicznych i badania budowy górotworu


  • Zbigniew Fajklewicz
  • Władysław Duda
  • Janusz Śliz


MEASUREMENT OF VERTICAL GRADIENT OF GRAVITY IN PROSPECTING SHALLOW-SEATED GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURES AND IN EXAMINATION OF ROCK MASSIF STRUCTURE Summary The paper deals with the results of the first measurements of vertical gradient of gravity, made to discover and to research in detail the structure of the shallow-seated small tectonic forms, erosional phenomena and anthropogeneous traces. The results obtained are due to the newly constructed mobile and separable measuring rig. It allow us to carry on gravimetric measurements at two points situated above each other at a distance of 3 metres, irrespective of both atmospheric and morphological conditions. The error of these measurements ranges from ±3,5 to ±5,0 E.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia