Wyniki badań rzekomych piasków mioceńskich okolic Fromborka


  • Genowefa Kociszewska-Musiał
  • Tadeusz Musiał


RESULTS OF EXAMINATIONS OF THE SO-CALLED MIOCENE SANDS IN THE VICINITY OF FROMBORK Summary The article presents the results of examinations of fine-grained sands exposed at the river valley walls near Krzyżew, Baranówka, Drewnowo and Jędrychów, south of Frombork. The exposures of these sands are shown on geologic maps as Miocene ones. On the basis of the occurrence conditions and of the petrographic composition of these sands, where beside the main component, i.e. quartz, also crystalline rocks and feldspars are found these formations have been related to the Pleistocene. They occur between two horizons of moraine clays, and genetically are related to ice-dammed lake accumulation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia