Odkrycie mioceńskich faun kręgowców w Przewornie (DoIny Śląsk)


  • Jerzy Głazek
  • Józef Oberc
  • Andrzej Sulimski


DISCOVERY OF THE MIOCENE VERTEBRATE FAUNAS AT PRZEWORNO (LOWER SILESIA) Summary Geologic setting of karst infillings bearing vertebrate fauna at Przeworno is outlined and list of forms identified is given. Two vertebrate assemblages - the older of the Upper Burdigalian age, and the younger of the late Vindobonian age have been distinguished. For more details and paleontological description see (5). The history of the discovery and the first systematic excavation from 1970 have been described, too. Some additional materials were collected in 1971. In the excavation (younger locality - Przeworno II) made by Prof. K. Kowalski and his staff of the Zoological Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, new abundant bone material related to the groups identified before (cf. 5), as well as the genus Pliopithecus (written communication by K. Kowalski, 1971) was found, whereas excellently preserved beatles of the Upper Miocene age were encountered in siliceous flowstones of a cave by J. Głazek (cf. Fig. 6).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia