Złoto w strefie wietrzenia masywu ultrazasadowego Gogołów - Jordanów na Dolnym Śląsku


  • Jerzy Fedak
  • Andrzej Magdziarz


OCCURRENCE OF GOLD IN THE WEATHERING ZONE OF ULTRAMAFIC GOGOŁÓW - JORDANÓW MASSIF Summary The nature and geological setting of the occurrence of gold in a weathering zone of ultramafic Gogołów-Jordanów massif, Lower Silesia, are discussed. The Gogołów-Jordanów massif belongs to a suite of intrusions located along tectonic zones delineating Precambrian gneiss block of the Sowie Mts. On the basis of heavy-mineral parageneses, the transformations of ultramafic rocks, and the occurrence of quartz-feldspar vein deposits, it is assumed that the occurrence of gold is connected with the contact zone of granitoid intrusion. Gold may be an important metallogenic index in studies on perspective zones of this type.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia