Zastosowanie metody profilowania akustycznego do wyznaczania litologii i porowatości skał


  • Jacek Majorowicz
  • Thomas Topulos


USE OF ACOUSTIC VELOCITY LOGGING IN DETERMINATION OF LITHOLOGY AND POROSITY OF ROCKS Summary The article presents an interpretation method of the results obtained from acoustic velocity log examinations of lithology and porosity of rocks. On the basis of Vi parameter (mean velocities of acoustic wave propagation) a correlation has been made of geophysical horizons, homogeneous as concerns the parameter considered, between bore holes made In the region of Łeba elevation. The interpretation of the acoustic logging curves allowed 9 geophysical (correlation) horizons, characterized by given properties as concerns the measured Vi parameter, to be determined. These horizons correspond to limestones, marly limestones, anhydrites and rock salts. Moreover there has been ascertained that based on acoustic log, we can univocally determine the stratigraphic boundaries between the Triassic and Zechstein deposits, and the Zechstein and Silurian ones. In addition to the qualitative Interpretation of the lithological section of the strata penetrated by drillings the article deals with the up-to-date methods of quantitative interpretation of the results obtained during the investigation of porosity and lithology of the rocks drilled. The methods of quantitative interpretation have been worked out by the American company ,,Schlumberger". The results of the interpretation of geophysical measurements are presented in Table I and in diagram. The data from Table I have been compared with those from Table II (mean values Vi), obtained by laboratory methods by various authors for the same rocks. The results of such a comparison demonstrate a considerable scattering of results (Vi), despite of a fact that they have been obtained by various authors using various methods.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia