Problem podniesienia jakości dokumentacji geologicznych złóż kruszyw


  • Mieczysław Krzyżanowski


PROBLEM OF IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF GEOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATIONS OF NATURAL AGGREGATE DEPSITS Summary The author emphasizes the problem of improving the quality of geological documentations of natural aggregates, recognized in category C2, according to the new regulations on investment planning, which, among others, recommend to procure both technical and economical information during each phase of the realization of investment programme. A beginning of such a programme is first of all to collect data on the mineral deposits documented in the category C2, the results of which allow us to make technical-economical evaluation of the usefulness of carrying on detailed geological investigations in higher categories of reconnaissance. Thus, there is a necessity to explain the whole quality of the mineral deposits, already during the preliminary geological research.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia