Wyniki wiercenia Lublin IG-1


  • Antoni M. Żelichowski


RESULTS OF BOREHOLE LUBLIN IG-1 Summary Within the area of the Central Lublin Region, in the central part of the Young Palaeozoic foredeep zone, a deep bore hole Lublin IG-1 has been drilled by the Geological Enterprise to the order of the Geological Institute, in 1966-1968. At a depth of 5028 m the Lower Devonian formations were found, developed in the Old Red facies. The section is as follows. Quaternary deposits (0-1 m) are underlain with marls, opokas and limestones of Upper Cretaceous age (depth 1-823 m). Jurassic formations (823-1028 m) are represented by marly limestones and dolomites of Kimmeridgian age (67 m), by oolitic and detrital limestones of Oxfordian age (133 m), by arenaceous limestones of Callovian (9,5 m) and Upper Bathonian (5,5 m) age. These rest on the Carboniferous deposits (depth 1028-2158 m). The Carboniferous is represented by the deposits of Westphalian A (224 m), Namurian (502 m) and Upper Visenian (318,5 m). The Devonian formations (2138-5028 m) consist of calcareous-marly deposits of Famennian age (1458 m) and coralline limestones of Frasnian age (302 m), as well as of carbonate-anhydrite limestones of Givetian age (192 m), and anhydrite-arenaceous limestones of Eifelian (?) age (230 m). The Lower Devonian is built of siltstones and sandstones of Old Red type (more than 130 m). Due to the considerable dips, the thicknesses are given in reduced values. The bore hole has been deviated during drilling activity about 40°. Some fault zones have been ascertained during the drilling process. The main fault has been drilled through at an interval of about 4600--4800 m, and the bore hole has entered a separate tectonic block (Figs. 5 and 6). The bore hole is situated, as it results from the interpretation here presented, in a marginal part of a narrow foredeep, the SW fault of which represents a normal fault, whereas the remaining ones resemble antithetic faults dipping in its direction. This foredeep was formed during the development period of the Mazowsze-Lublin graben, at the Asturian orogeny time. Dislocations older than those ones reveal diabase dikes. A dike found to occur within the Famennian deposits is, according to the age determination made by T. Depciuch at the Geological Institute by means of 40 Kr’40Ar method, of Lower Carboniferous age (333 mill. years).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia