Nowe znalezisko młodotrzeciorzędowych żwirów i piasków kwarcowych koło Ostródy


  • Genowefa Kociszewska-Musiałowa
  • Barbara Kosmowska-Ceranowicz


NEW LOCALITY OF LATE TERTIARY GRAVELS AND SANDS IN THE OSTRÓDA AREA Summary An attempt was made to distinguish possibly constant criteria of subdivision and to give the fullest possible characteristics of continental Miocene and some younger preglacial deposits. A few sections of Miocene deposits were analysed. The analysis showed fairly large variation in mineralogy and granulometry in the vertical profile. The authors also analysed sandy-gravel deposits, undoubtedly older than the Pleistocene. The results obtained support the statement that accumulation of material derived from more northerly areas took place under fluvial conditions in pre-Pleistocene times. Comparisons of sands and gravels from Kajków area with a series distinguished in Szczecin region show similarity in both lithological composition and results of weathering of those deposits.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia