Metodyka zastosowań matematycznego modelu liniowego do analizy map geologicznych
METHODOLOGY OF APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICAL LINEAR MODEL IN ANALYSES OF GEOLOGICAL MAPS Summary The general linear model is the connecting thread that weaves through many aspects of map preparation, map analysis, and map interpretation. In its two-dimensional form the general linear model is the basis for the palynomial and Fourier map – analysis models, both of which are widely used in a variety of geological fields. This article briefly describes the approach offered by trend analysis in fitting a mathematical surface to the data by the method of least squares. This surface is ten considered to be an estimate of the regional -component of variance (of trend). The deviations of the observed data from the trend, called residuals, reflect Iocal variation, local component plus the noise, and are in general random.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia