Parametry fizyczno-mechaniczne gruntów spoistych trasy "Łazienkowskiej"


  • Wiktor Zbigniew Należyty


PHYSICO-MECHANICAL PARAMETERS OF COHESIVE SOILS FROM "ŁAZIENKOWSKA" BRIDGE ROUTE IN WARSAW Summary In the course of engineering-geological works connected with a certain investment undertaking, i.e., the construction of "Łazienkowska" bridge route in Warsaw, a large number of laboratory determinations of physico-mechanical soil properties were made. On the whole, about 1,000 samples of soils were taken. About 350 detailed analyses were performed under laboratory conditions and In accordance with the provisions of actual Polish norms, being made of the equipment of the Geotechnical Laboratory of the Warsaw Offices of Land- and Aerial Transport Studies and Designing, produced by the research instrumentation works in Cracow. A vast amount of laboratory determinations enabled to find interdependences between lithology and genesis of soils, on the one hand, and their physico-mechanical parameters on the other hand. It follows from the lithostratigraphical profile obtained (cf. Przeg. geol., No. 2-1972) that 6 basic genetic groups may be distinguished In the soil substratum of the bridge route. These groups may be further divided into lithological subgroups, and these - into elementary units, in accordance with the classification scheme of the Polish Norm PN-S4/B-02480. In the present paper, 3 genetic groups of soils, i.e., cohesive clays, boulder clays, and stagnant lake clays are characterized.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia