Współzależność między składem izotopowym siarki i węgla w złożach siarki rodzimej


  • Stanisław Hałas


INTERDEPENDENCE BETWEEN SULPHUR AND CARBON ISOTOPE COMPOSITION IN NATIVE SULPHUR ORES Summary It was found that native sulphur of industrial importance, for which δS34 ≈ +11‰, is accompanied by limestones, for which δC13 ≈ -10‰. In turn, sulphur characterized by lower values, i.e. δS34 ≈ 0, occurring at the periphery of the sulphur ore, is accompanied by limestones, for which δC13 ≈ -20‰. Thus it is inferred that the sulphur of industrial importance was formed in result of intensive gypsum reduction processes under the influence of methane, whereas peripheral sulphur was formed in results of slower reduction processes under the influence of heavier oil fractions.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia