Skład izotopowy siarki w barytach i galenach ze świętokrzyskich złóż kruszcowych
COMPOSITION OF SULPHUR ISOTOPES IN BARITES AND GALENAS FROM ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MTS ORES Summary Sulphur isotopes composition of 15 barite and 13 galena samples from the Świętokrzyskie Mts was determined. Barites contain sulphur enriched in heavy isotope, δS34, from +9 to + 21.5‰. Galenas from Mójcza, Jaworznia and Miedzianka contain troilit-like sulphur. The remaining galena samples contain sulphur enriched in lighter isotope, δS34, from -10 to -16‰; this may indicate a mixed, hypo-hypergenetic origin of that sulphur. Galena dispersedin Zechstein dolomites from Gałęzice contain markedly lighter sulphur, with δS34 = -28‰. Its similarity to synsedimentary galena from Zechstein lead-bearing shales from the Fore-Sudetic monocline is emphasized.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia