Zróżnicowanie składu izotopowego siarki w kruszcach powstałych w warunkach krasu hydrotermalnego


  • Czesław Harańczyk
  • Jerzy Lis


DIFFERENTIATION OF SULPHUR ISOTOPE COMPOSITION OF HYDROTHERMAL KARST ORES Summary The crustified ores formed in hydrothermal karst cavities are markedly enriched in heavy sulphur isotopes. In cavities opened for meteoric circulation older crusts of partly weathered ore minerals are cemented with younger crusts or brunckite masses. The older ores contain sulphur enriched in heavy isotopes, whereas crusts cementing the weathered-out older ores are formed of sulphur considerably richer in light isotopes. Taking into account too possible periods of weathering of Triassic rocks, a very young age of the last ore generations may be inferred.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia