Skład izotopowy siarki, typomorfizm i ontogeneza siarczków ze skał mezo- i paleozoicznych obszaru śląsko-krakowskiego


  • Czesław Harańczyk
  • Jerzy Lis


SULPHUR ISOTOPES, TYPOMORPHISM, AND ORIGIN OF SULPHATES FROM MESO- AND PALEOZOIC ROCKS OF THE SILESIAN-CRACOW REGION Summary Identifications of sulphur isotopes occurring in ore minerals of Silesian-Cracow Zn-Pb deposits, hitherto carried out, are discussed. Troilitic sulphur was found in ores associated with dolomitization and baritization, in ores dispersed in ore-bearing dolomites, in radiated shell blende (Strahlenblende) and in massive ores forming horizontal lodes. Laminated shell blende (Schalenblende), anomalous shell pyrite, as well as barite are remarkably enriched in heavy sulphur isotopes. Light sulphur was found in brunckites and sulphides from the cementation zone and in some coarsely crystalline marcasites. The sulphide varietes are considered to be of heterogeneous origin: orthohydrothermal origin is suggested for sulphides of the first group, origin in hydrothermal karst conditions - for the second group, and mixed, hypo-hypergenetic origin - for the third group.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia