Rozpoziomowanie strefy nasyconej pod wpływem głębokiego drenażu


  • Henryk Niedzielski


DIFFERENTIATION WITHIN THE SATURATED ZONE DUE TO DEEP DRAINAGE Summary Hydrogeological studies conducted along the margins of an open cast of Quaternary sands have shown, after a few years of water exploitation and a depression up to ca. 18 m, that the extent of depressional cone is much smaller than it was assumed. This results from differentiation of the saturated zone into three water-bearing, horizons differing in hydrogeological regime (Figs 1 and 2). This zonation of the saturated zone appears to be related to the impermeable loamy layers intercalating the sandy-gravel complex. In connection with the discussion of the zonation of Senonian water-bearing stage on Lublin and Miechów highlands, the present author assumes that the under the effect of drainage by deeply incised layers of soft marls acting as impermeable screen. Under the effect of drainage by deceply incised valleys, these marly intercalations contribute to the origin of a number of water-bearing horizons and the resulting differentiation of the saturated zone, particularly close to valley sides.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia