Usprawnienie metody prowadzenia obserwacji w piezometrach


  • Czesław Żak
  • Edward Maszoński


IMPROVEMENT OF THE METHOD OF PIEZOMETER SURVEYING Summary Systematic, long-termed surveys of watertable in various deposits serve to solve some important hydrogeological problems. Such surveys are of particular importance in the case of regions of intense groundwater exploitation and in regions of open-casts and mines, where deposits exploitation goes below the ground water table. Large amounts of waters drawn out there, result in formation of depressional cones. In such cones a disturbance of hydrostatic equilibrium and drainage of soils take place, causing disappearance of waters from individual wells and losses in agriculture and forestry. In order to optimalize the mode of making surveys, the present authors designed a simple device greatly facilitating observations. Description of this device is given in the paper.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia