Odkrycie złoża węgla brunatnego w Stękinach koło Olsztyna


  • Edward Ciuk


DISCOVERY OF BROWN CO AL DEPOSITS AT STĘKINY NEAR OLSZTYN Summary North-eastern regions of Poland are very poor in solid mineral fuel materials. Peat is the only material of that type occurring here, sometimes even in large amounts. Geological structure of this part of Poland precludes occurrence of black coal deposits, as the Paleozoic sedimentary cover overlying the Precambrian Platform is devoid of Carboniferous formation. There remains a possibility of occurrence of brown coals in Keuper and Liassic formations, which has not been confirmed by the up-to-date studies, or in the Tertiary formation. With these premises in mind, the present author conducted systematic geological studies of the Tertiary formation in the north-eastern Poland. The results of these studies are given in the present paper.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia