Kreda opolska – problematyka stratygraficzna i złożowa


  • Stefan Witold Alexandrowicz
  • Danuta Radwan


THE OPOLE CRETACEOUS; STRATIGRAPHICAL PROBLEMS AND DEPOSITS Summary Upper Cretaceous marls and limestones outcropping over the area of Opole and in its vicinities have been exploited for a long time. In active quarries, development, variability and faunal succession of Cretaceous strata may be traced, which is of remarkable importance fur age determinations. Basic geological works, carried out by German geologists (3), (5), (6) and continued after the Second World War by Polish geologists (2), gave general characteristics of the Opole Cretaceous and its division into the Cenomanian and Turonian. The successive stage of geological works was connected with detailed recognition and evaluation of limestone and marly deposits. This stage involved drilling about 160 boreholes, and gave rich material for lithological, geochemical and micropaleontological studies, which enabled elaboration of basic stratigraphical profile for the Cretaceous of the Opole region and evaluation of its deposits.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia