Badania związków korelacyjnych metali ciężkich w glebach rejonu Radzimowic w Sudetach


  • Andrzej Jaworski


STUDIES OF CORRELATIVE RELATIONSHIPS OF HEAVY METAIS IN SOILS OF THE RADZIMOWICE AREA, THE SUDETY MTS Summary The results of geochemical studies carried out on soils from the Radzimowice area are statistically analysed. Simple linear correlations are found between Ni and Co, Ni and Cr, and Co and Cr in the examined soils (Table 2) and strong correlative relation is found between Ni, Co and Cr (RNi, Co, Cr = 0.91; τ = 44.5). It is found that the presence of cobalt in soils does not cause the formation of correlative relationship between nickel and chromium (rNi, Cr (Co) = 0.73; t = 4.3), similarly as nickel does not condition the formation of a relationship between chromium and cobalt (rCr, Co (Ni) = 0.88; t = 6.5). Whereas, a relationship between nickel and cobalt in the studied soils appears to be impossible without coccurrence of chromium, because rNi, Co (Cr) has a negative value. Analysis of the form of the regression equation for cobalt: CCo = 0.18 CCr - 0.04 Ni-18.5 shows a stronger relationship of cobalt with chromium than with nickel in the studied soils. All the elements examined (Ni, Co, Cr, V, Cu, Pb, Mo, Bi) are characterized by a normal type of frequency distribution in the Radzimowice soils (Fig. 2). Results of the analysis of geochemical data confirm ealier results of studies carried out by the present author on migration of metals in different environments of the hypergenesis zone in Poland (2, 5, 6).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia