Zastosowanie metod petrografii węgla w prognozowaniu poszukiwań złóż ropy i gazu


  • Krystyna Tokarska


THE USE OF COAL PETROGRAPHY METHODS IN OIL AND GAS Summary The use of coal petrography methods in studies of organic matter dispersed in sedimentary rocks, and especially the use of the basic microscopic method of estimating vitrain reflexibility are discussed in the paper. The latter method makes possible estimation of the degree of carbonification of dispersed organic matter. Research works show a close relation-ship between the degree of organic matter alternation and the oil and gas occurrence. Occurrence of oil is connected mainly with alternation of organic matter, characteristic of long-flame and gaseous coal stage. The main phase of gaseous hydrocarbons generation corresponds to the stages of fat coals, and particularly coking coals formation. Moreover, the results of studies carried out on the oil- and gas-bearing areas, and examples of their practical applicability in oil- and gas-prospecting are given.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia