Uwagi w sprawie wykorzystania pomiarów hydrodynamicznych wykonywanych w głębokich otworach wiertniczych


  • Leszek Bojarski
  • Jacek Pazdro


REMARKS ON THE USE OF HYDRO DYNAMIC SURVEYS TAKEN IN DEEP BOREHOLES Summary Results of hydrodynamic examinations obtained from deep oil-prospecting boreholes are discussed in the paper. Adequate use of the results of hydrodynamic measurements proved to be a decisive element in the estimation of pressure and reservoir conditions of artesian basins. In deep boreholes these measurements are conducted in a different manner than in the case of hydrogeological intakes, mineral springs, or mines, and they are not always documented. Adequate data recording is of basic importance for reliable estimation of materials quality. The problems connected with the estimation of hydrostatic horizon, ore pressure and magnitude of flow are discussed in the paper. Methodology of the investigations, the procedure of adequate measurement and data recording are discussed in a detail way. Properly tabulated source materials may be used for preparing hydrodynamic surveys of studied regions.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia