Rozwój strukturalno-tektoniczny obszaru Żarnowca


  • Stanisław Tyski


STRUCTURAL-TECTONIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE ŻARNOWIEC AREA Summary The Żarnowiec block structure is most distinctly marked in the Precambrian substratum and the Lower Paleozoic. This structure rises to the east, towards the fault zone 200 m in amplitude and NW-SE oriented. On the basis of seismic data and analysis of variability in thickness of sediments it may be assumed that the Żamowiec structure, related to the vertical movements of Precambrian substratum, began to differentiate already in the pre-Cambrian and in Cambrian times. A successive, more distinct stage of its development falls on the Ludlovian. Development of this structure was subsequently accelerated in post-Silurian times, during short-termed (earliest Devonian) and much longer lasting (Late Carboniferous - Early Permian) phases of denudation of Paleozoic strata. vertical movements of substratum blocks did not cease during the Zechstein. The subsequent period of more distinct development of this structure falls on the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary times. An effect of neotectonic movements on the present form of this geological structure of the Żamowiec area is also observable.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia