Perspektywy eksploatacji złóż rozsypiskowych kruszywa mineralnego z dna południowego Bałtyku


  • Włodzimierz Kroczka


POSSIBILITIES OF EXPLOITATION OF ALUVIAL ACCUMULATIONS OF MINERAL RAW MATERIALS FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SOUTHERN BALTIC Summary The paper discusses possibilities of exploitation of alluvial ores of mineral aggregate from the bottom of the southern Baltic. A complete knowledge of geological structure of the southern Baltic, and particularly of the regions of occurrence of mineral row materials is now a great economic demand. The studies on the shelf of the southern Baltic, carried out in recent years by the Geological Institute, showed sandy-gravel deposits covering the sea bottom. The first stage of the submarine and cruise works connected with geological studies and possible experimental exploitation (aimed at obtaining semitechnical samples) is planned for the summer of 1973.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia