Problemy określania na Niżu Polskim obszarów i poziomów perspektywicznych pod względem ropo- i gazonośności


  • Stanisław Depowski


PROBLEMS OF DETERMINATION OF POSSIBLE OIL AND GAS-BEARING AREAS AND HORIZONS IN THE POLISH LOWLANDS Summary The investigations carried out by the Geological Institute and the Oil Industry made possible discovery of gas- and oil-fields in the areas of the Fore-Sudetic monocline, in the western part of the Pomerania, and in the Polish Lowlands; gas fields were found in the Lublin region. The results hitherto obtained show possibilities of finding gas- and oil-fields in depressions of the Polish part of the East-European Precambrian Platform, Mid-Poland (Wielkopolsko-Kujawskie) depression, the Lublin region, as well as in the eastern part of the western Pomerania. The problems of delineation of possible gas- and oil-fields in the area of the Polish Lowlands appear to be highly complex. In order to solve these problems it is necessary to carry out complex geological and geophysical studies, and particularly lithofacial, sedimentary, stratygraphical, tectonic, geochemical and hydrogeological. This task requires intensification of studies of the analytic type. Importance of studies on the origin, migration routes and accumulation of bitumens, and on geological regularities in distribution of gas- and oil-fields is stressed. Further efforts are needed in order to establish optimal methods of evaluation of oil and gas resources and to define principles and criteria of evaluation of the perspectives of oil and gas occurrence in particular geostructural elements of the Polish Lowlands. Studies on geological setting of oil- and gas-fields in the Polish Lowlands which would take into account the place of this region in the North-European gas and oil province, are of basic importance.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia