Regionalne badania hydrogeologiczne


  • Tadeusz Kliński


REGIONAL HYDROGEOLOGICAL STUDIES Summary A comprehensive discussion of the studies on groundwater resources in Poland, carried out during the last 15 years, and a discussion of basic current trends in these studies are given. The task for the near future is to observe the phenomema resulting from the rapid increase of groundwater exploitation and to forecast the effects which may result from that exploitation. Negative influence of human activity on waiter quality and recovery of ground water resources, already observed, are discussed. Poor resources of groundwaters, as well as variability of their geological settings over the area of Poland force us to make more accurate evaluation of these resources and to search for local groundwater reservoirs. In connection with this, chief aims and tasks necessary in this type of regional character investigations are discussed. Together with the definition of the range and character of economically important regional studies, basic principles of designing and carrying out these studies are presented. Optimalization of efforts of these studies and minimalization of the means necessary for achievement of these aims are also considered. In the part concerning the methodology of regional studies, closer consideration is given to modernization of drilling techniques, to the use of hydrologic methods and geophysical surveying techniques. The content of the article is summed up in the form of basic conclusions presented in nine pints, including the most important reccommendations for geologists concerned with hydrogeological studies conducted in a regional context of chief, future economic requirements.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia