Rozpoziomowanie litostratygraficzne skał węglanowych cyklotemu P1/2 w cechsztynie monokliny przedsudeckiej


  • B. Bereś
  • E. Kienig
  • P. Kijewski
  • J. B. Tomaszewski


LITHOSTRATIGRAPHICAL ZONATION OF CARBONATE ROCKS OF P1/2 CYCLOTHEM FROM THE ZECHSTEIN OF THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINE Summary In the area of Fore-Sudetic monocline, Zechstein carbonate rocks of the first cyclothem represent lithological horizon of remarkable importamce for current geological-mining practice. These rocks form a direct blanket of copper ores, and their mineralized basal parts form a part of the section exploited. Hence, the importance of zonation and correlation of these deposits markedly increased. Zonation and correlation of carbonate rocks of the W -1 cyclothem, given herein, is based on their structural and textural features, type of bedding, intensity of development of stylolitic forms, microfacial differences, colour, and mineral composition. Occurrences of authigenic quartz and fluorite were used as auxiliary indices in zonation of these rocks. On the basis of the above features, W-1 carbonate series is divided into zones. Moreover, new symbols for particular lithostratigraphical units, distinguished herein, are proposed, and correlation with W-1 carbonate series from Polkowice area is presented.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia