Masyw Brabantu i Ardeny a problemy tektoniczne Polski


  • Władysław Pożaryski


ARDENNES AND BRABANT MASSIF VS. TECTONIC PROBLEMS OF POLAND Summary Ardennes and Brabant massif represent structures formed during the Neogeicum, in Prealpine tectonic cycles. These structures, folded during the Baikalian orogenic epoch, manifested opposite centripetal tendencies in Caledonian and Variscan tectonic cycles. Caledonian and Variscan foldings centripetally overlap on their contact zone in the Namur synclinorium area. Certain analogies in sedimentation and structural development between these structures and those from Central Poland are found. Devillian and Revinien deposits lithologically correspond to Rzeszów beds of the Małopolski massif. Developments of Ardennes- Brabant and Central Poland area were completely analogous up to Neocaledonian tectonic movements which were not marked in the Central Poland. The Małopolski massif, analogue of the area of Variscan geosyncline in Belgium, has not been subjected to subsidence in the early Devonian and its northern forefield has not been uplifted. This part of Poland, situated along the margin at old East-European Platform was less liable to orogenic movements than the area of Belgium.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia