Zastosowanie metody statystycznej w analizie mikroflorystyczno- petrograficznej do badań nad genezą pokładów węgla


  • Halina Kmiecik
  • Stanisława Knafel


APPLICATION OF STATISTICAL METHOD IN MICROFLORISTIC- PETROLOGICAL ANALYSES IN STUDIES ON ORIGIN OF COAL Summary The paper presents problems discussed on the IIIrd Symposium on the Application of Mathematic Methods in Geology organized in 1974 by the Institute of Regional Geology and Coal Deposits of the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow and by the Polish Geological Society. During the last 20 years studies on the origin of coal deposits have shown that there seems to be an interdependence between the composition or spore assemblages occurring in coal seams and the petrological characteristics of the coals. Analysis of this interdependence may be an useful tool for explanation of the processes of coal-forming sedimentation and the origin of the coals. The studies discussed in the paper are aimed at a complex treatment of this problem involving all its aspects, i.e. an overall analysis of coal microflora (microspores and macrospores) and petrological macro- and microscopic studies. The research methods and the interpretation of the results obtained are entirely new. The material studied has been taken from coal seams of the Siodłowa group from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The studies, briefly treated in the paper, may serve as an example of a possibility of quantitative treatment of the phenomena of coal-forming sedimentation. Very simple estimations, as those presented here, may give a reliable basis for drawing conclusions concerning sedimentary-facies conditions under which various coal types originated and may contribute to final solution of the problem of the origin of coal.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia