- Przejawy mineralizacji kruszcowej w profilu wiertniczym karbonu dolnego z otworu Szymonków IG-1


  • Stanisław Speczik


TRACES OF ORE MINERALLIZATION IN LOWER CARBONIFEROUS PROFILE FROM BOREHOLE SZYMONKÓW IG-1 Summary Ore minerallization of quartz-carbonate veins from Lower Carboniferous graystones, borehole Szymonków (southern part of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline), is characterized on the basis of the results of thin-section studies. The veins yield pyrite, cobaltite, safflorite, chalcopyrite, chalcosine, marcasite, sphalerite, galenite, enargite and melnikovite. The mineral composition of the veins and the mode of occurrence of the ore minerals indicate that the minerallization took place under medium-temperature hydrothermal conditions.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia