Badania wstępne w celu określenia przydatności do produkcji keramzytu próbek iłów z serii krakowieckiej


  • Marian Kałwa
  • Maria Bielecka
  • Józef Stolecki


PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF STUDIES ON APPLICABILITY OF KRAKOWIEC CLAYS TO PRODUCTION OF KERAMZITE Summary The paper presents the results of preliminary studies on applicability of raw Krakowiec clays to production of keramzite. The studies covered samples taken from the area of southern and eastern margins of the Holy Cross Mts and the northern periphery of the Carpathian Foredeep. Most of the laboratory analyses gave positive results; the improvements in technology gave better and better effects. It is concluded that the studies on possibilities of utilization of the Krakowiec clays in large-scale production of modern materials for building industry should be started.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia