Sól kamienna w miocenie autochtonicznym w rejonie Przemyśla


  • Bolesław Cisek
  • Józef Czernicki


ROCK SALT IN AUTOCHTONOUS MIOCENE DEPOSITS FROM PRZEMYŚL REGION, CARPATHIAN FOREDEEP Summary Brines were known and exploited in the past century in several localities of the Przemyśl region. The brines are related to the Lower Miocene, that is, to Subcarpathian salt-bearing formation represented by clays, claystones and dark slates with thin intercalations of sandstones, gypsum and rock salt. The Subcarpathian salt-bearing formation and Stebnickie beds of this region have been the subject of several studies. The paper deals with newly found occurrences of rock salts in autochtonous Miocene, found to the south of Przemyśl. The find of rock salts in the autochtonous Miocene markedly contributes to the knowledge of paleogeographic conditions predominating by the end of the Lower Tortonian in the areas of the Carpathian Foreland. Up to the present the rock salt was not known to occur in chemical series of the autochtonous Miocene (Lower Tortonian) of this part of the Carpathian Foredeep. The salt-bearing deposits are about 55 m thick and occur at the depth of 4650 m. This means that they are too thin and too deeply seated to be of economic value at present.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia