Właściwości fizyczne bazaltów z Góry Świętej Anny


  • Andrzej Jaworski


PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF BASALTS FROM MT ŚWIĘTA ANNA Summary The paper presents results of studies on petrophysical properties of basalts from Mt. Święta Anna. The results have shown differentiation in physical properties of these rocks (Tab. 1), resulting from overlapping of two physico-mechanical and chemical weathering processes. Spatial distribution of physical parameters of these basalts (Figs. 1- 3) indicates pre-dominance of the former process in the quarry studied. Intensity of the weathering processes increases upwards and towards the contact of the basalt intrusion with surrounding rocks. Arithmetical means of physical parameters of the rocks analysed are as follows: spatial density - 2.97 G/cm3, relative porosity - 1.45%, velocity of longitudinal wave – 5250 m/sec, electric specific resistance - 55.44 • 103 m, and magnetic susceptibility - 903 . 10-6 CGSM.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia