Stratygrafia mikropaleontologiczna miocenu z wierceń w rejonie Biłgoraj – Rozwadów


  • Ewa Odrzywolska-Bieńkowa


MICROPALEONTOLOGICAL STRATIGRAPHY OF THE MIOCENE FROM BOREHOLES IN BIŁGORAJ – ROZWADÓW REGION Summary The paper presents results of microfaunistic studies on Miocene deposits from drillings Pikule 2 and Pikule 3 situated in the area between Biłgoraj and Rozwadów (south-west Poland). Miocene Lithothamnium limestones yield microfauna related rather to facies than to age of the deposits. Because of lack of any microfaunistic elements indicative of the Lower Badenian, the deposits are tentatively assigned to the Upper Badenian: The Llthothamnium limestones are overlayed by Upper Badenian Pecten beds, typical in development and yielding microfauna indicative of the zones with Neobulimina longa. Vengl. and Hanzawaia crassiseptata (Łuczk.). Sarmatian deposits overlying the Pecten beds are assigned to two foraminifer zones, the zones with Quinqueloculina sarmatica Karr. and Elphidium hauerinum (d'Orb.), respectively. The description of microfaunas occurring in these deposits is supplemented by an attempt to reconstruct ecological environment of the Miocene sedimentary basin.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia