Składniki antropogeniczne w próbkach szlichowych


  • Magdalena Jęczmyk


ANTHROPOGENIC COMPONENTS IN SLICH SAMPLES Summary Results of examinations of slick samples collected from alluvial sediments of contemporary streams of Pogórze Izerskie are discussed in the paper. Alluvial deposits, especially from streams flowing through densely populated areas, showed contamination with anthropogenic products. Among anthropogenic components found in slick sample are: magnetic and non-magnetic slag socket alloy, copper scraps, lead file dust, ferrosilica, fragments of ceramic glaze, and fragments of aggregates used in road building (basalt, olivine and diopside debris). Attention is drawn to the necessity of taking into consideration the influence of anthropogenic factor on the results of various types of geochemical investigations carried out on populater areas.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia