Charakterystyka surowcowa wapieni lekkich miocenu południowego obrzeżenia Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Anna Bugajska-Pająk


RAW MATERIAL CHARACTERISTIC OF LIGHT LIMESTONES FROM THE MIOCENE OF SOUTHERN MARGIN OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS Summary Occurrence and lithological raw material characteristics of light limestones of the Miocene from southern margins of the Holy Cross Mts, with special consideration of their potential exploitation as building materials and in road building, are discussed in the paper. The above mentioned limestones represent two stratigraphic stages, Tortonian and Sarmatian, of the Holy Cross Mts. Organodetrital Tortonian limestones from the Pińczów area have a rich tradition in Polish stone industry. Tortonian limestosnes from the areas of Chmielnik, Szydłów, Staszów and Rybnica were the subject of contemporary geological and raw materials investigations. Field observations and analyses of results of physicotechnical and chemical studies on Miocene light limestones from this region make it possible to predict these limestones as prospective building materials. They may be used in building industry as lining plates, as stones for building walls and foundations, as aggregates to light concrete, and finally as filling bulk to bitumen materials.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia