Badania petrograficzne węgli, koksów i substancji organicznej rozproszonej w skałach osadowych w świetle obrad XXVI sesji ICCP i VI Międzynarodowego Kongresu Geochemii Organicznej


  • Kazimiera Hamberger
  • Barbara Kwiecińska
  • Krystyna Tokarska


PETROLOGICAL STUDIES ON COALS, COKES AND ORGANIC MATTER DISPERSED IN SEDIMENTARY ROCKS, IN THE LIGHT OF DEBATES CONDUCTED AT XXVITH SESSION OF LCCP AND AT VITH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY Summary The article is a report of the XXVI session of the International, Committee for Coal Petrology (ICCP) and the VI International Congress of Organic Geochemistry. The problems discussed during the sessions as well as works and results of studies conducted by various commissions of ICCP in 1973 are presented. A number of papers dealing with petrological and chemical studies of organic matter dispersed in sedimentary rocks in the aspect of their gas- and oil-bearing potential are discussed.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia