Próba określenia intensywności odbitych fal refrakcyjnych na obszarze "wyspy rzeszowskiej"


  • Kaja Pietsch


AN ATTEMPT TO DETERMINE INTENSITY OF REFRACTORY WAVES IN THE AREA OF TECTONIC RZESZÓW "ISLAND" Summary In the part of the Carpathian Fare-Deep without anhydrites (Rzeszów ,,island") there are recorded both innumerous reflected waves and a large number of reflected refractory waves, originating on planes of faults cutting Miocene-Eocambrian boundary. Correct identification of the reflected refractory waves demands not only a detailed analysis of kinematic properties (9) but also the knowledge of dynamic properties. Because of the lack of theoretical studies that would allow to interpret dynamic features of wave image for medium built of vertically set layers covered by flatly parallel-layered cover (asin case of the theoretical model of Rzeszów "island"), the intensity of reflected refractory waves was calculated with a certain degree of proximity. In the calculations it was assumed that the dynamic characteristics of these waves are close to those of reflected refractory waves spreading in rock medium vertically layered and devoid of blanket cover (2). Vertical components of the intensity Iw of reflected refractory waves were calculated for three typical geological cross-sections (based on boreholes).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia