Nowe dane biostratygraficzne do podziału dolnej jury w Polsce pozakarpackiej
NEW BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC DATA FOR DIVISION OF THE LOWER JURASSIC IN EXTRA-CARPATHIAN POLAND Summary The range of the guide microfossil, microscope Aratrisporites minimus Schulz covers the Hettangian stage (Liassic alfa 1 + alfa 2). This form is known from the areas of German Democratic Republic (Schulz, 1966), and extra-Carpathian Poland (Rogalska, in press). Find of this form makes it possible to delineate the upper boundary of the Hettangian in Poland in accordance with previous suggestions of the present author (Karaszewski, 1960, 1962), questioned by R. Dadlez (1964, 1965).Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia