stanowisko torfów kopalnych w dolinie Małej Panwi


  • Teresa Kuszell
  • Maciej Włodek


FOSSIL PEAT LOCALITY IN THE MAŁA PANEW STREAM VALLEY Summary In a small village Potępa situated in the valley of Mała Panew stream, Upper Silesia, a layer of peat was found at the depth of 8.2 m when drilling was made in river sands. Palinologic studies showed that the peat was formed under, cool and humid climate by the end or the beginning of interglacial or interstadial. The layer of peat is covered with 20 cm loam layer. In the author's opinion the loam layer represents solifluction stream, shifted down the slope of situated nearby inlier built of boulder clay of maximum stage of Mid-Polish Glaciation. Similar intercalations of solifluction loams, dated at the Baltic (Würm) Glaciation, were , found in the Kłodnica stream valley (Jahn 1955) as well as in the Mała Panew stream valley, at similar depths, close to highland slope. The loams lack camponents less resistant to weathering, which confirms their solifluction origin. The loam horizon, situated at the depth of about ,10 m, separates underlying fluvial sands dated at the end of the Eemian Interglacial and overlying fluvial sands dated at the Baltic (Würm) Glaciation. To sum up, the peats were formed by the end of the Eemian Interglacial or during cool interstadial of early part of the Baltic (Würm) Glaciation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia