Rola naturalnego drenażu wód podziemnych w rozwoju morfologicznym krawędzi dolin rzecznych na przykładzie wybranych odcinków dolin: Wisły i Dolnej Bugo-Narwi


  • Hanna Bujwid
  • Janusz Muchowski


CONTRIBUTION OF NATURAL GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE IN THE MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF RIVER VALLEY MARGINS ON THE EXAMPLE OF SOME SELECTED SECTIONS OF THE VISTULA AND BUGO-NAREW RIVER VALLEYS Summary The paper makes an attempt to explain the dependence of morphological effects of groundwaters drainage on the geological structure of submarginal zones. The studies were carried out along the Vistula river valley section from the mouth of Pilica tributary to Włocławek, and also in lower sections of the most important tributaries of the Vistula river. The area in question is very suitable for such studies, because of its remarkable differentiation in geological structure, age of rocks, and in the degree of saturation of submarginal zone soil massif in water. The interdependences found between the above factors are discussed on the basis of a few selected sections of Vistula and Bugo-Narew rivers valley margins, but only the Holocene ones in order to eliminate forms related to periglacial climatic conditions. The studies showed that the top surface morphology. and lithology of the bed underlaying water-bearing soil massif and the differentiation of the soil medium in permeability are the major factors effecting the morphological results of drainage.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia