Mikrofauna starszego trzeciorzędu w rejonie Sieroszowic


  • Ewa Odrzywolska-Bieńkowa


EARLY TERTIARY MICROFAUNA IN SIEROSZOWICE REGION Summary Foraminifers characteristic of the Upper Eocene were found in samples from Sieroszowice region Copper Basin, which were tentatively asigned to the Rhoet. Specific composition of this microfaunal assemblage appears similar to that of foraminifer assemblages previously found in contemporaneous strata of the Kujawy region. Polish Lowlands and in Upper Eocene limestone series of the Carpathians. Outside Poland, similar foraminifer assemblages were reported from Upper Eocene strata of Ukrainian S.S.R., and from Erivan basin (U.S.S.R.), Iraq, Syria, German Democratic Republic, Federal Republic of Germany (Bavarian Alps), and from Italian Alps. This is a warm-water microfaunal assemblage, with distinct Mediterranean Influences. Pararotalia lithothamnica (Uhlig) and Asterigerina rotula Kaufman are the Upper Eocene microfaunal assemblage in Sieroszowice region makes a valuable contribution to the knowledge of Mediterranean influences in the Upper Eocene basin of Poland.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia