Surowce okruchowe na Pojezierzu Suwalskim


  • Genowefa Kociszewska-Musiał


AGGREGATES OF SUWAŁKI LAKE DISTRICT Summary Geological setting and granulometric-petrographical characteristics of Suwałki lake district aggregate deposits are discussed on the basis of field and laboratory studies, borehole material analysis and documentary materials. These deposits are of remarkable importance for building industry. The samples studied were taken from active and abandoned gravel and sand pits (Fig. 1). Two main genetic types of aggregates were distinguished: (1) aggregates of glacial deposition. primarily related to front-moraine zones, and (2) aggregates of fluvioglacial deposition, forming vast sandar plains. The latter are characterized by markedly wider distribution and more regular structure, so they are of greater Importance as prospective industrial deposits. Grain-size distribution of gravel-sandy deposits of the Suwałki area is given in Figs. 3-6. Grain-size distribution curves of glacial and fluvioglacial deposits differ in shape. Curves of the latter deposits are generally concave, which is typical of well washed out deposits. Fluvioglacial aggregates contain only 0.9-3.1 per cent of silt fraction, in comparison with about 10 per cent found in moraine deposits. Petrographic studies showed little variation in composition of gravel and sand fractions (Table II). Carbonate rock pebbles are, the main components of gravels as their contribution usually equals c. 50 per cent. Pebbles of crystalline rocks, sandstones, quartz, and feldspar are other more important contributors here. The petrographic composition of gravels roughly corresponds to that materials of moraines, studied by J. Nunberg (14). On the basis oldie investigations it may be stated that coarse fluvioglacial deposits in Suwałki region make an interesting .prospective resource basis on the area of about one hundred sq. km. which makes concentration of exploitation in this region possible.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia