Sytuacja geologiczna stanowisk interglacjału eemskiego na Pojezierzu Suwalskim


  • Andrzej Ber


GEOLOGICAL SETTING OF EEMIAN INTERGLACIAL LOCALITIES IN SUWAŁKI LAKE DISTRICT Summary The analysis of geological setting of Eemian Interglacial strata of Suwałki lake district shows that the distribution of these strata is determined by deeper geological structure of this area. The altitude above sea level of these Eemian deposits, and the development of erosional and denudational processes depended on the activity of the substratum. Such geological setting of the deposits older than those of North-Polish Glaciation deposits in the area of Suwałki lake district results In the fact that this area cannot be taken into account in the analysis of the extent, importance, and of stratigraphical aspects of the North-Polish Glaciation deposits. The only two glacial zones found here correspond to two glacial phases. which is not the case in the neighbouring regions.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia