Namywanie popiołów w stawach osadowych


  • Andrzej Drągowski
  • Joanna Pinińska-Krajewska


DEPOSITION OF ASHES IN SEDIMENTARY RESERVOIRS Summary The field studies showed that artificial sediments formed by a technological process follow the general laws of sedimentation and diagenesis and their texture corresponds to macroscopic texture of sediments deposited in natural closed fresh-water reservoirs. The sediments deposited in such artificial reservoirs are characterized by layered-banded texture consisting of light and dark layers, a few to about a dozen centimeters thick. Bedding is commonly horizontal, and inter-layer boundaries well distinct. Light-cloured layers correspond granulometrically to silts, whereas dark-coloured ones show predominance of graines of sand fractions. Sometimes the horizontal bedding is disturbed by deformations resulting from differences in volume weight of the sediments or from erosional-accumulational action of water stream. Local accumulations of coal particles, cross-beddings, or accumulations of coarse grains (slag, coal particles) are sometimes found. The bedding texture of the ash sediments results from discontinuous supply of the material to the reservoir and is deter-mined by fluctuations of the intensity of supply and of the water table in the reservoir. The material is primarily transported by water stream which distributes the suspended material and forms a flat cone with almost horizontally inclined slopes (at 2-3°). This material is layered. In delta areas of the stream, a pelitic material is deposited. There, larger accumulations of fine pelitic material are deposited, the bedding texture may be disturbed, small-scale slumpings and flow structures originate, etc. The sedimentary phenomena discussed above are of remarkable importance in the evaluation of the sediments as a base of upbuilding resevoir and also constructing its dams and for determining properties of the sediments as potential construction materials.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia