Pomiary termoluminescencji minerałów i skał metodą analizatora termoluminescencji
THE MEASUREMENTS OF THE THERMOLUMINESCENCE OF MINERALS AND ROCKS BY THE METHOD OF THERMOLUMINESCENCE ANALYSER Summary The paper deals with some methodological details of accurate surveying of thermoluminescence effect and plotting thermoluminescence curves. The curve TL shows changes in luminescence radiation intensity as the function of temperature. The effects of heating rate changes on: (1) the trend of curves TL, (2) granulation and mass of A sample and its distribution on the heated surface of crucible, and (3) the nature of quantitative measurements of the thermoluminescence phenomenon, were analysed. The curve of spectral sensitivity of photoduplicator was adjusted to a non-selective curve, which solved the problem of incomparability at qualitative measurements of this phenomenon. Moreover, it questioned the promise of uniformity of spectral distributions of thermoluminescence of the minerals and rocks studied, which was accepted in previous geological interpretations.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia