Obserwacje mikropaleontologiczne miocenu z wierceń w rejonie Kraśnika (region lubelski)
MICROPALEONTOLOGICAL STUDIES ON MIOCENE FROM BOREHOLES IN KRAŚNIK AREA Summary The paper contains results of micropaleontological studies of Miocene deposits from the area of Kraśnik (Lublin region, South-East Poland). The studies were carried out on core material from boreholes Baraki Stare 18/66, Szczecyn 16/66, and W6loka Szczecka 17/66. Badenian deposits are here represented by Lithothamnium limestones with a great deal of microfauna typical of Lithothamnium facies but of negligible stratigraphic value. Sarmatian deposits, highly differentiated in lithology (limestones, sands, and marly clays), yield rich foraminifer fauna. The foraminifer assemblage comprises common species widely known from the Sarmatian of Poland, USSR and Czechoslovakia. It results from the analysis of species distribution in various facies types that the greatest number of species occur in clayey and clay-marly deposits (27 species), fewer in calcareous deposits (19 species), and least in sandy deposits (14 species). Some of euryhaline and euryfacial species occur in all types of the deposits.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia