Charakterystyka wyników sejsmicznych uzyskanych w rejonie Warki - Garwolina


  • Tadeusz Krynicki


CHARACTERISTICS OF SEISMIC RECORDS IN WARKA-GARWOLIN REGION Summary The paper presents methodology of field works and results of seismic surveys carried out in areas under simple conditions of wave induction. Seismographs recorded numerous reflexes, some of which were accepted as guide reflexes on account of their dynamics and continuity of occurrence. However, estimation of reliability of the reflexes, and particularly of deeper reflexes appeared difficult in analog data processing. That is why a part of the seismic data were analysed by the use of computer MINSK-22. The electronic data processing analysis carried out on the basis of theoretical computations and results recorded on time sections showed a fairly large number of repeated reflexes below the guide boundary CgI. Repeated reflexes make real horizons difficult to trace.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia