Budowa geologiczna utworów miocenu i jego podłoża w rejonie Lipnicy - Dzikowca


  • Bolesław Cisek
  • Czesław Fik


GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF MIOCENE SERIES AND OF ITS SUBSTRATUM IN LIPNICA - DZIKÓW AREA Summary Geological structure of the Lipnica-Dzikowiec region and lithological-facial development of the strata drilled are discussed. The studies showed a relationship between the occurrence of the Upper Tortonian and the gypsum-anhydrite horizon. In places, where evaporite series are lacking, there are no clayey deposits of the Late Tortonian age, and the Sarmatian deposits directly overlay the Precambrian substratum. The fact that the extent of Sarmatian deposits is larger than that of Tortonian ones suggests occurrence of islands in . the Early and Late Tortonian basin. Facial development of the Sarmatian strata was influenced by intensive supply of sandy material. Thus, it may be concluded that there are low chances of finding any greater earth gas accumulations in that region, as there are no suitable traps which would prevent migration of gas to the surface.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia