Zastosowanie analizy czynnikowej - sposób R do populacji geologicznej glin zwałowych z obszaru Szczecina i okolic


  • Nina Lipińska


APPLICATION OF R-MODE FACTOR ANALYSIS TO GEOLOGICAL POPULATIONS OF TILLS FROM SZCZECIN AND ITS VICINITIES Summary The factor analysis (R-mode) was used in studies on subsurface structures of tills (represented by two upper till horizons) of the Baltic Glaciation from the area of Szczecin and its vicinities. General population and 10 subpopulations (corresponding to smaller spatial units separated within the area examined) were described by the use of eight physical parameters (measurable properties). The main factors distinguished (F1 F2, F3, F4,) reveal the structure of geological population and reconstruct set of processes forming physical properties of the glacial deposits. Moreover, the studies on the structure of the changes in structural patterns of physical parameters of particular types of tills from the two till horizons. The results obtained confirm usefulness of the R-mode factor analysis in reconstructions of engineering-geological environment



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia