Bentonity kambryjskie z okolicy Zawiercia


  • Wacław Ryka


CAMBRIAN BENTONITES FROM THE ZAWIERCIE AREA Summary In the Zawiercie area the Cambrian series forming Permian substratum is intercalated by four bentonite layers. The bentonites are built of quartz catacIasts, potassium feldspars biotite, apatite, and zircon. Their matrix consists of illite, chlorite, and some amounts of montmorillonite occurring in mixed, illite/montmorillonite textures. The bentonites originated in result of metamorphosis of rhyolite and latite ashes. Their similarity to rocks of that type known from the Holy Cross Mts and north-eastern margins of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin indicates long duration of a single magmatic center in the course of deposition of sediments of the Caledonian cycle.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia